California State Legislature
California State Legislature
BCD is proud to announce that our California State Senator is a Democrat!
State Senator Ben Allen(SD-26) was first elected to the California State Senate on November 4, 2014. He will be up for reelection in 2022.
Senator Ben Allen – Winter Newsletter 2019-20
Senator Ben Allen – Winter Newsletter 2018-19
State Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi
Thanks to the hard work of many volunteers, including many members of the PVP Democrats, Beach Cities Democrats, & Torrance Democrats, Democrats were able to re-take the 66th Assembly District seat in 2016. The position was captured by Al Muratsuchi in 2012, but lost in a low turn-out 2014 midterm election.
For more information about State Senator Allen’s District click here, and for more information about the 66th Assembly District click here.