
April 2021 Minutes

7:04 call to order by Vice President Tony Hale

Pledge of Allegiance


Dency Nelson – May 8, 11-12pm – motorcade in Torrance South Bay Indivisible working with GenBlue Field Team 6 – show support for voting rights and fed legislation (on facebook page). Gathering at first Christian Church in Torrance.

South Bay vs Hate (public demonstration)
May 1, 3-5 pm Community Lawn in Hermosa Beach
AAPI Community Support

Tony Hale –
State Convention – This weekend


There’s a place to register for observers as well
Tony is also co-chair in resolutions (over 150)
Goal is forge language for resolution that’s fitting for dignity of organization.

Dunixi Guereca – talk about AB 650
Battle pay for frontline healthcare workers
These workers showed up when there was so little known.
Some of the larger healthcare companies saw profits and didn’t translate down to workers.
Bonus paid out over four payments over calendar year 2022
Meeting with assembly members all over the state.
Need 75,000 signatures by end of May 2021
Requesting letter of support from BCD
You can sign digitally
Christian Horvath makes a motion, Dency seconds, unanimously passes
The Club will send a letter and an email.

Elected Official Reports

Christian Horvath – Redondo Council
None of the bills address affordability
They address destruction of R1 neighborhoods
Write Bill and Al about SB 9 and SB 10
Al introduced ACA 7 to retain local control – we’re going to need to get behind him on that
He’s also trying to get a bill on broadband – important for underserved communities
RB City Council has a new member and so body has changed
Reevaluating dogs in park and budgets (released May 16)
American Rescue Plan helps a little, but doesn’t heal all wounds
Hopefully will recover to some degree
Sales tax and TOT went down, but property tax held steady
Power plant: was supposed to close last year (as result of state environmental laws). But state water board decided to extend several plants (4) as a result of them saying we needed more energy for extreme weather events. They wanted three years, we got them down to one. But recently, the SACCWIS board, they recommended AES be extended 2 years and retire 2023. That is going to go to state water board (essentially replay of last year).
Tony asked about the potential for tax credit from plant
Tony asked that Christian sends bills
Ben is working on a bill to create affordable housing that isn’t a stage mandate

Councilmember Mike Detoy
Election coming up May 11
Excited about COVID vaccinations going well
Can help small businesses because of that
Hermosa’s new reopening plan SHINES (12-18 month) – impressed with new Deputy City Manager impressed with her presentation (study session on May 13)
Will Hermosa still be able to have Zoom meetings even when they go back to in-person?

Drexel Heard – Executive Director of LACDP
No on Recall campaign
Recall folks reached their goal 1.6 million qualified ballot signatures
We have 3 million democrats in LA County
Republicans are forcing a recall that will cost us where the governor will run again
Democrats need to do what we can to fight it
Drexel will be leading here in Los Angeles
Going to remind voters could be detrimental to the future of California
Big push will be NO on the first question
We won’t be running anyone against the governor
Connie: my plan is to lose a Republican seat

Everyone got their CADEM packets.

Lori is on kidney dialysis twice a week

Edna state account $7395 federal $1465

Submitted with intended amendment to bylaws for Policy Against Harassment and Workplace Violence

We need to find a solution for our club for the long term with leadership and how to recruit new leadership.

Tony got access to MOE and could look up to recently registered as Democrat and reach out to them.

July picnic is being planned and hopefully it will happen and it’s a great gathering and will be a perfect opportunity to meet in person.

Meeting adjourned 8:44pm

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